The Arkenstall Village Centre (AVC or just Arkenstall’s Centre, Charity number 300394) is located in Station Road, Haddenham, near Ely.
The AVC has three rooms available for hire including a main hall and a stage. It also plays host to the village library providing a link to the county’s public library service for Haddenham and surrounding villages.
The main business of the Arkenstall Village Centre is the hiring of facilities for community groups, activities, meetings, exhibitions, weddings and private parties.
The AVC is the centre of village activities for local groups, providing a venue for art, exercise, drama, music and the annual Haddenham Pantomime. Other regular classes and upcoming events can be found here.
Room hire is charged on an hourly basis and preferential rates are offered to regular users and to juniors (0-16yrs). More information about hire charges can be found here. Hirers are advised to read the Standard Conditions Of Hire Agreement 2025. Hiring fees are reviewed annually.
Every year we produce and perform a pantomime. More details can be found on the Haddenham Pantomime website.
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