Annual General Meeting 2024

AGM 2024

The Arkenstall Centre is Haddenham’s Village Hall and is a hugely important village asset. It is a registered charity managed by a committee of Trustees – some of whom represent village organisations, the others are voted on at the AGM or may be co-opted during the year.

Our next AGM will be held on 14th May 2024 at 7.00pm at the Arkenstall Centre. This meeting is open to all residents of Haddenham Parish over the age of 18 and offers you the opportunity to find out what the committee have been doing over the past 12 months and to ask any questions you may have.

Trustees, including Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, are appointed at the AGM. As a charity, we wish to grow the diversity of our trustee board, so we welcome all who wish to stand for election.

We are a small friendly committee and would welcome enquiries from anyone potentially interested in becoming a trustee and possibly aspiring to one of the above roles. Trustees attend a committee meeting once a month, offer personal experience and expertise where appropriate, and also help with fundraising events.

As a charity, we are entirely self-supporting. During 2023 much time and effort has gone into promoting the centre to raise the level of occupancy and thereby increase the income from room hires. In addition, we have been busy organising and running fundraising events which have proved very popular and successful.

These events have included a ceilidh, a health and wellness event, a garage sale, a disco, a craft fair, and the annual village pantomime. The Ely Folk Club held a folk evening in 2023 and donated all the proceeds to the Arkenstall Centre. The Beer Festival Committee organised a Winter Beer Festival to also help raise funds for the centre. All attendees at these events have supported the Centre and enabled it to continue as a community space.

If you have an interest in seeing the Centre thrive and would like to help in any way (we are always looking for volunteer helpers, as well as welcoming those who would like to take on the role of Trustee) then please email